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The District of Delaware offers a database of opinions for opinions starting in 2000, listed by year and judge. For a more detailed search, enter the keyword or case number in the search box above.

Effective August 1, 2018 all opinions docketed in US Bankruptcy Court - District of Delaware will be extracted and posted on the following Government website:
They will also continue to be posted on the Court's website.

Case Name Case Number Judge Date Issued

Lowewen Group Internation Inc., et al.

99-1244 Judge Peter Walsh 04/16/2003

Charter Behavioral Health Systems Inc. et al.

00-989 Judge Mary F. Walrath 04/08/2003

CYCH v. EVS Holding Company, Inc.

01-8856 Judge Mary F. Walrath 04/04/2003

John Caliolo v. TKA Fabco Corp.

02-3405 Judge Lloyd King 04/02/2003

Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors et al. v. Robert N. Elkins et al.

02-1830 Judge Mary F. Walrath 03/25/2003

RGC International Investors, LDC v. Tricord Systems, Inc. et. al.

02-4943 Judge Mary F. Walrath 03/24/2003

Crown Brooks Corporation

01-407 Judge Mary F. Walrath 03/17/2003

Dwight M. Morgan and Kimberly A. Morgan

02-11444 Judge Mary F. Walrath 03/14/2003

HQ Global Holdings, Inc. et al.

02-10760 Judge Mary F. Walrath 03/11/2003

The Bank of New York v. Epic Resorts-Palm Springs Marquis Villas, LLC and USA Capital Diversified Trust Deed Fund, LLC

02-3021 Judge Mary F. Walrath 02/27/2003
