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The District of Delaware offers a database of opinions for opinions starting in 2000, listed by year and judge. For a more detailed search, enter the keyword or case number in the search box above.

Effective August 1, 2018 all opinions docketed in US Bankruptcy Court - District of Delaware will be extracted and posted on the following Government website:
They will also continue to be posted on the Court's website.

Case Name Case Number Judge Date Issued

WILLIAM H. HENRICH, in his capacity as Liquidating Trustee of the Insys Liquidation Trust v. XL Specialty Insurance Company (In re Insys Therapeutics, Inc., et al. - 19-11292 (JTD))

Memorandum Opinion and Order regarding Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment and Trustee's Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment


23-50484; 19-11292 Judge John T. Dorsey 05/29/2024

VJGV, Inc., et al.

Giuliano v. Grenfell-Gardner, et al.

Letter Ruling

21-11332; 23-50421 Judge Brendan L. Shannon 05/23/2024

Bittrex, Inc.

23-10598 Judge Brendan L. Shannon 05/22/2024

Recovery Brands, LLC, Case No. 20-11631 (CTG)

Letter Ruling regarding Relief from Discharge Injunction 

20-11631 05/13/2024

JLM Couture, Inc. (Case No. 23-11659)


23-11659 Judge J. Kate Stickles 05/09/2024

In re:  AIG Financial Products Corp., Debtor

AIG Financial Products Corp., Plaintiff,

American International Group, Inc., Intervening Plaintiff v. Lee Arthurs, et al., Defendants

22-11309, 23-50110 Judge Mary F. Walrath 05/09/2024

Chisholm Oil and Gas Nominee, Inc.

20-11595 Judge Brendan L. Shannon 05/08/2024

Kenneth J. Ashcraft and Deborah D. Ashcraft

20-12725 Judge Brendan L. Shannon 05/03/2024

Promise Healthcare Group LLC, et al, Case No. 18-12491(CTG)

Robert Michaelson, et al, v. L.A. Downtown Medical Center, LLC Adv. Proc. Case No. 23-50335(CTG)

Letter Opinion on the Parties' Motions for Judgment on the Pleadings

23-50335 05/01/2024

Goli Nutrition Inc., Case No. 24-10438

BENCH RULING (Read 4/18/24)

24-10438 Chief Judge Laurie Selber Silverstein 04/23/2024
