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The District of Delaware offers a database of opinions for opinions starting in 2000, listed by year and judge. For a more detailed search, enter the keyword or case number in the search box above.

Effective August 1, 2018 all opinions docketed in US Bankruptcy Court - District of Delaware will be extracted and posted on the following Government website:
They will also continue to be posted on the Court's website.

Case Name Case Number Judge Date Issued

George R. Welch, Sr. and Dehra L. Welch v. Sun National Bank

14-50777 Judge Brendan L. Shannon 10/19/2015

In Re:  SOLYNDRA, LLC., et al., Debtors

Seagate Technology (US) Holdings, Inc., Plaintiff, v. Global Kato HG, LLC, Defendants.

Global Kato HG, LLC, Plaintiff, v. Seagate Technology (US) Holdings, Inc., and Does 1-10, inclusive, Defendants

11-12799, 15-50268 & 15-50925 Judge Mary F. Walrath 10/16/2015

In re Tropicana Entertainment, LLC -- (i) Memorandum relating to two Motions for Summary Judgment filed by Wimar Tahoe Corporation f/k/a Tropicana Casino and Resorts, Inc. (D.I. 3019) and Columbia Sussex Corporation (D.I. 3022) and (ii) Order Denying Wimar's Motion for Summary Judgment and Granting, in part, and Denying, in part, Columbia's Motion for Summary Judgment.

08-10856 Judge Kevin J. Carey 10/14/2015

Bank of America, N.A., Successor by Merger to BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP f/k/a Countrywide Home Loan Servicing, LP v. Brian J. Welsh and Wells Fargo Home Equity, a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

14-50944 Judge Brendan L. Shannon 10/01/2015

Hipcricket, Inc. - Memorandum Order Approving First and Final Fee Application of Canaccord Genuity Inc.

15-10104 Chief Judge Laurie Selber Silverstein 09/29/2015

Memorandum Regarding Motion to Dismiss

15-10625 Chief Judge Laurie Selber Silverstein 09/24/2015

Charles A. Stanziale, Jr., Chapter 7 Trustee of Golden Guernsey Dairy, LLC v. MILK072011, LLC, Andrew Nikou, Brad Parks, et al. (In re Golden Guernsey Dairy, LLC)

14-50953 Judge Kevin Gross 09/21/2015

Richard Barry, Chapter 11 Trustee for the Estates of Liberty State Benefits of Delaware Inc., et al v. Sandander Bank, N.A., f/k/a Sovereign Bank, N.A.

14-50020 Judge Kevin Gross 09/16/2015

In re Northshore Mainland Services, Inc., et , -- Memorandum and Order DENYING dismissal motion as to the chapter 11 case of Northshore Mainland Services, Inc.; and GRANTING, without prejudice, the dismissal motions as to the Debtors' remaining chapter 11 cases.

15-11402 Judge Kevin J. Carey 09/15/2015

In re Nortel Networks UK Limited, et al.

09-11972 Judge Kevin Gross 09/15/2015
